Tue, 21 February 2017
If you haven't ever seen a whale penis, you don't size and you don't know Penis. Tommy hung out with Top Dog and Charo this weekend and he has tales to tell. Plus Gene had a dream that Tommy was bad and now she's mad at him in real life. Does this nonsense happen in your life as well? Tina's phone got a new text. Anyone interested in DRUGS?!?! AND, more boring videos, Hey Mommy and much more! |
Tue, 14 February 2017
When someone goes on strike you know they mean business. This lady is going on strike for something so important we can't actually spell out what it is (It's Gross and comes out of a man's penis). We step in to Studio G with Super Dad Nerd, G. We wear our awesome new Pup Masks as we are always heightening our sense of smell. Plus absolutely AMAZE music from so many of you. We're putting Bitsy on a diet and SO much more. Thanks, Jeans. |
Tue, 7 February 2017
As perhaps the leading non-binary couple in the podcast comedy world today we are thrilled to bring you this aspect of the wonder from the perspective of our obtuse reality. Hope that was clear. Sometimes when you are making a brown someone will crawl under the stall to see if you are indeed browning. What would you do in that situation? The Mommies saw another horrible movie. Hope you get to have a night ruined by it as well. Plus another guy had vocal fry and it wasn't even the worst part of his personality. He also liked to....kill and eat people. Can you guess who? This episode is full of such a good time we HAD to find some boring audio to dull it down. Hope it's boring enough for you. |
Tue, 31 January 2017
Have you ever tried to get a hearing impaired person to lick your stuff but you weren't sure how to do it? We have answers. Plus we're pretty sure we found our sons little league coach. Hope he's still around when Little Jeans is ready to play. This guy emphasizes that losing sucks and no one wants to be one. Tina and Tommy both break down what they individually hate and what they hate as a couple (acoustic?). Hi Mommy...Thanks Jeans rages on and much more! |